Supported Living

For people who require some assistance to live independently, Supported Living provides individualized services to meet a person’s unique needs.

Female friends hugging and smiling for the camera

What is Supported Living?

For people who live on their own, but can benefit from some support and check-ins, Mainstay offers Supported Living services. These services help to ensure a person’s health and welfare. Person-centered assistance could include help with health maintenance, wellness activities, meal preparation, decision making, home and personal resource management, self-care, and so much more.

For More Information

To learn more, complete the referral form and choose “Supported Living.”

Julie and her boyfriend celebrating at a holiday party.

Meet Julie

Julie has been receiving support from Mainstay since 1989. Across the years her independence has grown with the assistance of Mainstay staff members and her fierce determination. Julie has resided in a variety of places, each where she had a good deal of autonomy while also having access to needed supports. For Julie and others using our supported living services, the program evolves to reflect the individual needs of the people served. Julie and her boyfriend, who have lived together since 2008, will soon move to another location where she will continue to receive our supported living services. They are happy to be moving closer to where her friends are and are very excited to move closer to “where all the action is!” 

Two women smiling at the camera while holding a bouquet of flowers

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at Mainstay

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